Monday, January 4, 2010

12:47 pm, Santa Fe

2010! I've never been one for resolutions or regrets or any of that nonsense. With that said, I plan to make 2010 the year of living in the present. It is all too often that we (humanity) get way ahead of ourselves and forget to appreciate the lives we are living TODAY. I have certainly been guilty of this, on a grand scale, since my graduation from college in 2007. Rather than marking x's on the calendar until I hear from Peace Corps, I'm going to go out, make new friends, have fun, and work on things that make me happy. Because when it comes down to it, we are going to end up missing our friends and family and everyday things like hot showers and cold weather (for those of us nominated to the equatorial regions).

In the meantime, I'm applying to a few graduate programs in History that I am almost equally excited about as Peace Corps. The first, the Masters of Islamic Societies and Cultures, through the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, sounds incredible.

So, as I said, lets make 2010 a year of contemplation, action and success. It's ok to work for the future, but lets not forget all the beautiful things that happen day to day.

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